All the tours and picnics

Sky – Gazing: Lecture cum Night Sky Observation LIVE at remote location near Raigad in Jan / Feb 2019. (Details will follow by Dec 2019, with Office & Website)

Sky observation is one of the best moments an aspiring space engineer must experience in its school – college time! With talents of professionals from Khagol Mandal, Nehru Science Center & TIFR at display, this becomes a breathtaking event giving everyone a life time experience. Students are taken to a far distant place where light sources from human habitation are almost nil, at night time (not even public light on streets). Though the place is in the interior, but it holds many such events, hence it has been developed neatly to stand as per needs of a crowd of 150 people with food, shelter and washroom facilities. Cost per head in the last trip was Rs. 700/- inclusive of two times snacks and local bus service to the center (excluding to – fro to station). More details will follow, as the trip date will be finalized (in Jan – Feb 2019).

Students generally will be asked to report at noon time at college and they will be taken to Place of event, in group under supervision of teachers (including mostly in charge teachers or Vice Principal). After evening snacks, it starts by 8 pm and continues till morning 5 am with tea breaks in between.

People depart after morning breakfast. Generally a Saturday night is selected because next day must be holiday. Students can contact Gupta Sir or Krishna Sir, as they had been on the last trip for Sky Observation.

Date of Picnic-
Cost per student-
Pic and drop-

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