
Rubella Vaccination for Girls Only (in campus – at zero cost to students)

Rubella is a virus that causes ‘German Measles’ and it affect especially girls, when they are in their child bearing stage. It can cause damage to the mother and even the child if not detected in initial stage or not received correct treatment in time. Children born in such cases could be blind, deaf, dyslexic, autistic or may have skin disorders, etc. It is a myth that this can occur to would be mothers only in rural areas or villages. Statistics have shown that mothers in cities and metros also have suffered badly and rubella is still counting on it...

Vaccination is the best source to culminate it. We all have received this vaccine (MMR) in our early childhood days. But the effect of this vaccine is up to maximum 15 to 20 years only. Hence the best age for a girl child to take this vaccination is age 15 years to 20 years (keeping in mind, their child bearing age of 35 – 40 years).

In foreign countries (especially Europe) even the Male partners take this vaccination as they may become carriers of this virus, not ruling out the case of transmission during child birth. Here, Shri T P Bhatia College of Science, in association with the Rotary Club brings to you this vaccination at zero cost (which in private hospitals would cost between Rs. 2000/- to Rs. 5000/-). The team of expert doctors from Rotary Club gives their services here, to ensure the benefit reaches to maximum girl students of our college and society. As there is a social stigma in Indian Society, hence girls are needed to have consent form signed by their parents. Consent forms can be collected from college office or Anuradha Mam (Biology Dept.) All those girls, who wish to enroll, must ensure to submit the consent form also.

Last year, this vaccination drive was done in Jan 2017, in 2nd floor Bio-Lab of our college, and more than 450 girls were benefited by this drive. There were no reports of sickness or weakness after the vaccination, and generally it does not happen so. It is as safe as having a tablet. We request our parents and students to take full advantage of such help and facilities extended to you all by college.

Date of vaccination11 Jan 2019, Wednesday.
Place of vaccinationBio Lab 2, Second Floor, TPB College
Fees per StudentOnly the consent form filled & signed by parents, no cost.

(Filled in form must be submitted to College Office or bio lab - Anuradha miss)

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